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Showing posts from August, 2016

(VISION) How To Make This Year Your Best

There are just over three months left of 2017.  There is a lot of time to make this year your best.  The prior eight months might have challenged you greatly and  you may have up until now regarded 2017 as a 'terrible year'. Some of you however  may have had an amazing year and  really come on leaps and bounds in your  own personal development. Wherever you believe yourself to be positioned  right now,  this post is designed to help you guys on both sides of the spectrum - there is enough time left to make this year your best regardless of what has occurred before. Below are five ways in which I have found  allow for you to be more productive, efficient and generally more happy - making your goals for this year that much more attainable. Make time for yourself This may seem like a fairly obvious suggestion but it is hard to really put yourself first sometimes! I found that allowing time for myself at some point everyday, whether that is being creative or lis