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Showing posts from January, 2017

(VISION) Expand Your Framework: The Importance of Clarity and Purpose in achieving any goal.

Hey Guys! The 'Expand Your Framework' podcast  is back and in this episode we will be discussing why clarity of vision and purpose are so important to achieving your goals.  You can listen to and download the episode here. Below you will find a summary of the episode if you are hard of hearing/deaf or prefer to write things down. The importance of CLARITY If your vision of success is not clear, then how can you expect to achieve your goals? Unfortunately, in order to achieve clarity of vision EXTENSIVE PLANNING IS KEY. If you aren't prepared to plan your moves, your chances of success are SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED. *Some ways to plan in regards to goal setting - ask yourself 'what do I want to achieve?' , 'how am I going to do this?' , 'what obstacles are going to potentially stop me from achieving my goals?' and 'how can I overcome this obstacles?'. Chances are, if you have prepared for set backs, you are less likely to wa