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Showing posts from May, 2017

(BUSINESS)The Creatives Guide To Starting An Idea

Access to a multitude of different digital platforms floods our heads with creative ideas or desires to fulfil. A lot of us do not fulfil these desires because we simply do not know how to begin the journey of converting an idea into a creative pursuit. This article is designed to do just that. Below is a sequence that I like to use to help this conversion process. Step 1: Find a 'Why' As with anything in life, identifying a reason as to why you want to begin on this journey serves as the foundation of your creative pursuit. This is what will keep you accountable during any struggles you may encounter as well as provide inspiration for why you want to begin a said pursuit. For some, their creative pursuit may serve as a way of challenging the powerful, for others their creation may serve as a vessel to explore and display their creativity free of any third party input. Whatever your 'why' is, identifying it and becoming conscious of this desire is the foundation o

(VISION) Time Waits For Nobody

Perhaps the biggest lesson I have learned over the past year and a half is that time waits for nobody. Everybody has goals, everybody has aspirations, but the vast majority of us sit , wait and over analyse whether these goals are worth chasing or whether we are good enough. What separates you from the people you aspire to be is the speed in which ideas are turned into tangible products. Yes this person might be afraid of failing like we all are, but if that idea isn't started, isn't followed through with, then it will never , ever happen. We are all given twenty four hours in a day. We all have the same amount of time to achieve our goals. It's about using your time to create the reality you envision for yourself and to create this reality you have to stop lying to yourself by saying that your time is coming. By starting NOW this 'time' you speak of will arrive a lot quicker. Execute, don't worry about making mistakes - they are part of the process of gro

(EXPERIENCE) Three Ways To Set Up Your Day To Be More Productive

Are you looking to be  more productive? I believe that how you start your day decides how your day goes - here are three tips to start your day on the right foot and smash your goals. Tip Number 1:  Meditate. I have discussed in other posts the importance of meditation. Not only can meditation help you work with any stress or worries you may have, it also allows you to focus your energy on the tasks that require the bulk of your attention... Tip Number 2: List Your Priorties. A day with no direction is often a day full of procrastination. List the most important tasks that you have to complete in the day and your day has a purpose. I find that when I write things down that I need to do, I instantly hold myself more accountable. Tip Number 3 : Practice Gratitude. What are you grateful for this morning? Starting your day seeking things that you can be grateful for shifts your state from reactive to proactive in your search for success and happiness. Hopefully these three