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Showing posts from July, 2017

(EXPERIENCE) Defining Your Worst Case Scenario

In this next post of the WellFest series,  I thought it would be important to delve into fear and the importance of exposing ourselves to our worst case scenario when it comes to goal setting. What is the thing that we try to avoid because we are afraid of the potential outcome? Referring back to last weeks post ,  the importance of writing things down allows us to make our mental operations (thoughts,  fears and worries) tangible. Our thoughts are physically presented to us, increasing the likelihood of us being able to make rational sense of them. Defining our worst case scenario is no different - what would actually happen if X occurred? It may be uncomfortable or create some form of emotional response but when we are presented with a mental simulation of what might occur, we make this situation more tangible which increases the likelihood of rationalising it. There may always be a worse case scenario,  just as you get comfortable with one, another may emerge. This is okay, this

(EXPERIENCE) Decluttering Your Headspace

Is your head full of lots of different things? Here is one of my go to tips for decluttering my headspace. Transferring thoughts to paper One reason we often feel overwhelmed is due to the inability to project our internal dialogue and its conflicts into the real world. We can't make sense of our situation, we are stressed! This leads to a focus on the scale  of our problems and not an understanding of our internal headspace. When I feel particularly overwhelmed, I like to partake in an exercise called 'mind journaling' or 'monkey mind journaling' whereby I voice my thoughts/fears/worries onto paper unfiltered . By not thinking about what you are writing you allow your thoughts the opportunity to take physical form. Stressful thoughts are sometimes stressful because they aren't tangible (physical). Once we can make sense of our thoughts in the same way we make sense of the world around us, we are able to gather a deeper understanding of ourselves and ou

(VISION) Pushing Past Comfort

In everything that we do, we will inevitably come into contact with obstacles. We might wake up one morning and not feel like doing what we set out for ourselves to complete, we may hate the world - we may hate ourselves. What is important to remember in situations like this is that growth occurs in moments that are uncomfortable. Adaptations occur, we make changes. Nobody grows by being comfortable. Everything that you envision for yourself, your goals and your prospects occur at the other side of comfort. Yes, it is painful to sometimes push through, mentally and physically BUT it is a necessary pain in the long run. It ultimately boils down to how much you want to be where you want to be. Are you prepared for the struggles? Are you willing to be uncomfortable? Those are questions only you can answer. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope that it helps you in some way.

(VISION) Two Ways A Diary Will Totally Change Your Life

If you are serious about the goals you have set for yourself, owning a diary really helps to speed up both your creative and productive states. Below are two ways that I have found owning a diary to be completely life changing. IDEA GENERATION How many times have you thought of a great idea only for it to completely disappear a few moments later? Having a diary or journal helps you to store these ideas in one place and act upon them at a later date. INCREASING CLARITY OF VISION A diary sets direction. Gathering your priorties helps you to remain productive in the right aspects of your life on a day to day basis. Anyone can be busy, but how many of us are working towards the long term goals and objectives that we have set for ourselves? So if you don't have a diary, do yourself a favour and get one! ___________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope that it helps you in

(VISION) A Tip For Beginning The Week

If you are beginning your week hoping for the weekend, perhaps it is time to completely rethink your current position. Is there something elsewhere that you would rather be doing that could give you a higher quality of being? I know, you may respond to that by saying 'Listen Lewis, I have bills to pay, miss me with this bullshit please - thanks.' Valid point, but you could be paying bills doing something you love but you are not taking the necessary  steps to work towards that goal. To be brutally honest, its usually the fear of disrupting or distorting personal perceptions e.g. going back to school/college - you place lots of weight on others opinions and expectations of you. What if I told you those 'other' opinions are just a personal viewpoint of  ourselves that we often project onto other people to justify our actions. Can people have negative opinions and expectations of us? Of course! Can these viewpoints be internalised and affect us emotionally? Totally!