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Showing posts from August, 2017

(EXPERIENCE) Others Don't Have To Lose So You Can Win

One of the most maladaptive ideas is the concept of the 'lone wolf' when it comes to any business/creative/spiritual pursuits. People often believe that they have to become ruthlessly competitive and disregard the feelings of their 'competitors' or 'community' that share the same interests/demographic/market to them in order to achieve the goals that they have set for themselves. This is why the vast majority ultimately fail. Once you believe that only you can succeed and only you should drink from the 'fountain of success' is the moment you become defeated by your own ego. You are harming yourself. For you to 'win', for you to succeed, others do not have to fall behind or underneath you. To quote a very influential entrepreneur who has had a massive impact on my practices, Gary Vaynerchuck, 'everybody can win' . Stop being salty, and start bringing people up. The same people you may throw shade towards may be the same people t

(EXPERIENCE) Asking The Right Questions When We Fail

Failure is an inevitable experience.   Regardless of how hard we try to avoid failure,  it will always find its way to us eventually. Failure is often hard to deal with because it exposes our mistakes and the things we didn't do well - it can be a painful  process. But how can we learn to deal with failure and the feelings that accompany it? I like to ask myself two questions to turn a negative experience into an educational one. Question 1: What can I learn from this experience? It is easy to fall into the trap of negative self talk when we experience failure. We can be quite hard and unnecessarily unfair on ourselves. Instead of replaying the negative experience over and over again with no educational analysis, we can limit the negative experience by focusing on what we will do better next time instead of focusing on what we did badly this time. Question 2: Why am I grateful for this experience? This is a tougher question to answer because it forces you to extract gra

(VISION) An Introduction To Goal Foundations

Goal setting can be quite tricky. Most people think it's just about setting yourself a target and working towards it. Whilst that is a basic definition of goal setting, this attitude often leads to two outcomes: 1) NOT achieving the goal you have set because there is no clarity of vision. or 2) NOT being motivated to put your all into this goal that you have set. Why does this occur though? I don't think that there is enough emphasis placed on the foundation of goal setting. People often think solely of the desired outcome of achieving a goal without necessarily considering the reasons as to why this goal should be pursued.The foundation level of your goal can be strengthened by asking the right questions. For example - WHY do you want to achieve the goals you have set for yourself and  WHAT can achieving this goal do for others? Understanding a little bit more about the internal as well as external motivators when it comes to your goal setting will keep you on tr