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(EXPERIENCE) Explore The Rabbit Hole

Many believe that the human existence is a pre-planned, predetermined route that will always result in the same outcome regardless of which route you take. Whilst I agree with this concept to some extent, I believe that we possess more autonomy over our existence than we may believe.

More often than not we pursue monotonous, laborious tasks that ultimately result in our dissatisfaction in the long run, all in the pursuit of materialistic pleasures.Whilst we all have to partake in these activities at some point , I strongly believe that balancing out materialistic pursuits with explorations that ignite our emotional, spiritual and core self needs will result in optimum human performance. I refer to these pursuits  as 'exploring rabbit holes'.  Pursuing  these 'rabbit holes' can result in an unknown, unpredictable destination and thus take you off of the path that was previously guiding you. I have referred to this path in the past as the 'predictable framework' which is essentially pursuing 'safe' or 'controlled' endeavors and thus performing routine, habitual actions that you have always done (very similar to Webers concept of traditional action).Whilst we all comply with the rules set within this 'framework' I believe that it is essential to venture off of this path from time to time and explore the places that nobody else has dared to go in order to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves so that we can  truly understand others. I would have never believed that I would find writing posts like these so gratifying but I only understood this side of myself by exploring the appropriate rabbit holes. Self exploration is a pursuit that all of us must embark on at some point within our existence but initiating this journey consciously  enables you to actively tap into the questions you may or may not currently be asking yourselves such as 'what is my purpose?' and/or 'why am I here?'.

But how can I find these rabbit holes and how do I explore them? 

Finding rabbit holes can be a tricky pursuit. Below I have suggested three things that we can all do to help us find the appropriate rabbit holes to ignite our individual experience.

Meditation - the spiritual venture. Allow your mind to talk! Dedicating ten minutes a day to meditate and shut off all external stressors allows a deep connection with your inner self and the opportunity to ask questions that you may not usually ask. The key here is to not overthink, just ask and  answer these questions instinctively. From personal experience these conversations can get very, very deep, brah.

Identify your interests - possibly the most obvious suggestion. What really intrigues you? For me, it has always been the inner self, the concept of the soul and the psyche. This can be accessed through music, television, podcasts, writing blog posts, reading books - the list is endless! Identifying a passion is key to discovering the appropriate rabbit holes to explore.

Try new things - This is something I definitely need to do more! We can become comfortable within routine. It is vital that whilst we are pursuing creative endeavors (such as blogging, drawing, writing) we are also attempting new activities to continually expand our experience - after all, life is the most beautiful experience we currently know of (besides cake of course).

So reader! Will you be attempting the exhilarating, lifelong activity of exploring various rabbit holes? It is definitely something that can have a profound impact on the way you see yourself within the world we live in. Whilst it is important to pursue goals within the 'predictable framework' I believe it is equally important to pursue the spiritual , emotional endeavors in life with equal intent. Life is ultimately a balance of the spiritual and the mundane and however this balance is met is something only you can decide, but the rabbit hole is a great place to start.

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